Elms Family and Community Services

place Clinton Township, Michigan, USA
language https://www.elmsfamilyandcommuni…


Saved on 5 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


We aim continuously to provide services, resources and support that will enable families, individuals and youth to overcome social, economic, educational and other barriers in which they face by gaining and sustaining successful outcomes in life. We do this through our support services, programs and community projects.

What We Do

Our services include, but are not limited to providing:

Youth, family and senior support services;

One-one client support;

Financial literacy, life skills and employment readiness support services and other workshops;

Skill building services and workshops for youth and adults;

College and vocational program preparation support; mentoring;

Activities, workshops and related resources to assist in strengthening family relationships;

Workshops and events to assist in building self-esteem and self-worth of program participants; and

Resources, referrals and community support to children and adults who suffer from challenges of grief/loss of a loved one or barriers experienced from incarceration and/or other circumstances.


Kimberly E
Kimberly E.
Founder & CEO
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