EarthCraft Virginia

place Richmond, Virginia, USA


Saved on 7 projects and calls

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Advancing sustainable, affordable, and energy efficient construction through education and technical support

What We Do

EarthCraft Virginia is the local non-profit that facilitates the implementation of a variety of green building programs in the state and serves to support builders and homeowners in the development of sustainable, high-performance housing. Most notably, EarthCraft Virginia administers the EarthCraft family of programs, a green building certification program that is specific to the Southeast. Along with our partners at Southface Energy Institute in Georgia, the EarthCraft program has certified almost 30,000 homes in 15 years. In Virginia alone, we have certified over 2,000 single family homes and 11,000 multifamily units. EarthCraft certified dwellings in Virginia in 2012 kept 1,190 tons of CO2 out of the atmosphere - the same as reducing oil consumption by 2,511 barrels of oil or removing 225 cars from our roads.


Stuart N
Stuart N.
Director of External Affairs
Lindsay R
Lindsay R.
Financial Specialist
Manon S
Manon S.
Operations & Outreach Manager
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