Convergence Center for Policy Resolution

place Washington, District of Columbia, USA


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To convene people and groups with conflicting views to build trust, identify solutions, and form alliances for action on critical national issues.

What We Do

Convergence was founded in 2009 to fill a void in our nation's ability to solve problems. To this end, we convene diverse and influential stakeholders for "dialogue-leading-to-action" on critical national issues such as improving our education system; reducing obesity and diabetes; financing long-term care for the elderly and disabled; and improving U.S.-Pakistan relations.

Our process has four main stages:
1) Identify a critical national problem where the failure to cooperate across differences impedes progress.
2) Through research and interviews, map out the key position and plays, and enroll diverse stakeholders of influence in a sustained dialogue.
3) Build trust and understanding among participants so that they agree upon shared recommendations for action.
4) Develop and implement a shared plan of action.

This process leads to results in the form of public policy changes, the creation of public-private partnerships and new business practices, and the implementation of issue campaigns and public awareness efforts.

Ultimately, we envision a world in which collaborative problem-solving is the norm, and not the exception.


Dusie H
Dusie H.
Finance and Fund Development Manager
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