Consumer Health Coalition

place Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
language http://consumerhealthcoalition.o…


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Consumer Health Coalition's (CHC) mission is to inspire a consumer movement to enhance opportunities for health and pathways to quality, affordable and accessible healthcare for all Pennsylvanians. We recognize and understand that people experience different starting points and social determinants, which create inequities in health and well-being. CHC is dedicated to the eradication of disparities in health access and outcomes through education, advocacy and awareness raising projects.

What We Do

CHC reaches out to and enrolls at-risk consumers in public health insurance programs and educates the community about the availability of public health insurance programs and pertinent health policy issues. We both serve and organize at-risk, marginalized people and the organizations that serve them to influence system reform. We have a strong commitment to partnerships in Allegheny County and Southwestern Pennsylvania and strive to continually expand our reach.

CHC's advocacy efforts are both self and systemic. We strive to educate and activate consumers to be in charge of their own health care. Through our advocacy work, consumers have written and published letters to the editor, developed education tools and resources, visited numerous county, state, and federal legislators, offered testimony at public hearings, structured and conducted community forums, and created issue-based advocacy campaigns.


Katie H
Katie H.
Director of Education and Outreach
Lou Ann J.
Executive Director
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