place Astoria, New York, USA


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Inspired by faith and with over a century of service, CMMB (Catholic Medical Mission Board) delivers healthcare, distributes donated medicines and medical supplies, and deploys volunteers to some of the most remote regions of the world. With a commitment to dignity and sustainability, we locally execute programs in Haiti, Kenya, Peru, South Sudan, and Zambia. Over the last 10 years, our Medical Donation Program has reached 83 countries around the world, distributing over $5 billion worth of medicines and medical supplies.

We invite you to join our movement for Healthier Lives Worldwide!

What We Do

CMMB's Volunteer Program addresses the critical need for professionals in areas that lack sufficient resources for quality preventive and curative health services, especially for women and children. Our Volunteer Program has placed thousands of practitioners around the world to help develop and implement community health interventions, work at local hospitals and health facilities, conduct clinical training for host country counterparts, and deliver essential medicines and supplies. The ultimate goal of CMMB's Volunteer Program is to support our country teams and local healthcare workers by sending volunteers that are dedicated to strengthening local health systems and supporting a pattern of sustainable development.

We believe in a world in which health and human dignity are shared by all.
We believe that access to quality healthcare is a basic human right. For more than 100 years, we have worked with global partners to deliver locally sustainable, quality healthcare solutions to women, children, and their communities. We're ready to make it 100 more.

We believe change starts with her.
We work tirelessly for women's and children's health because they are disproportionately affected by illness and poverty. We know that healthy, educated, and empowered women are better able to raise healthy, educated, and confident children, and that communities depend on their livelihoods.

We believe in people.
We strive to live out our core values of collaboration, love, excellence, and respect every day. We provide our volunteers with a meaningful volunteer package, and the opportunities to learn, grow, and leave a longstanding legacy. We especially encourage all persons of diverse backgrounds to apply.


Marcia G
Marcia G.
Manager, Volunteer Program
Joel R
Joel R.
Volunteer Program Specialist
Alena M
Alena M.
Communications Manager
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