
place New York, New York, USA


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CityScience is committed to raising the quality of science education and supporting environmental stewardship. By using the natural and built environments of cities as laboratories for active learning, we transform teaching to make science relevant and engaging for PreK-8 students.

What We Do

CityScience connects science education to urban environments with place-based programming for students, teachers, schools, and communities. The four entry points to improve the STEM capacity at schools and communities:
(1) Capacity-Building Partnerships connects professional STEM coaches with high-need schools to create customized curricula and capacity-building solutions for teachers and school leaders.
(2) Staff Workshops support teacher excellence through onsite professional development, coaching, and a Summer Institute.
(3) Student Explorations are afterschool programs taught by CityScience’s expert STEM Coaches on site at K-8 public schools, after-school settings, and summer camps.
(4) Lending Library provides low or no cost resources to educators seeking STEM activities, supplies and reading materials.


Thor S
Thor S.
Executive Director
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