Citizens' Housing and Planning Association

place Boston, Massachusetts, USA


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Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association’s mission is to encourage the production and preservation of housing that is affordable to low and moderate income families and individuals and to foster diverse and sustainable communities through planning and community development.

What We Do

CHAPA is the non-profit umbrella organization for affordable housing and community development activities in Massachusetts. Established in 1967, CHAPA is the only statewide group that represents all interests in the housing field, including non-profit and for-profit developers, municipal officials, local housing providers and advocates, lenders, property managers, architects, consultants, homeowners, tenants, local planners, foundation and government officials, and others.

CHAPA pursues its goals through advocacy with local, state, and federal officials; research on affordable housing issues; education and training for organizations and individuals; programs to expand rental and home ownership opportunities; and coalition building among a broad array of interests in the housing and community development field.


Karen W
Karen W.
Deputy Director
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