place Duluth, Minnesota, USA


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CHUM is people of faith working together to provide basic necessities, foster stable lives and organize for a just and compassionate community.

What We Do

We are Duluth's primary safety net for people experiencing homelessness and hunger. We operate one of MN's few 24-hour emergency shelters for individuals and families (and a limited number of companion animals). Our Food Shelf distributes about 7,500 5-day food packages a year, and we are the service provider at the Steve O'Neil Apartments for families with children who have experienced recurrent or long-term homelessness. Our advocacy work is focused on state and local policy change to improve the lives of people living in poverty, or otherwise marginalized from the dominant culture. Our 43 member congregations provide most of the financial and volunteer resources to keep our programs humming!


Lee S.
Executive Director
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