Cambridge Community Services

place Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA


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Cambridge Community Services (CCS) is a community-based nonprofit whose mission is to identify emerging needs and design innovative, collaborative solutions. Currently focused on equalizing access to opportunity for low-income Cambridge youth, CCS directs the City Links program. Combining leadership development, volunteerism, job readiness, academic support, guidance from a 1-1 mentor, and advocacy from professional staff, CCS empowers young people with the tools to achieve success.

What We Do

To bridge the growing achievement gap between at-risk students and their peers, CCS developed a program model based on holistic, proactive interventions, combining rigorous academic support with personal, professional, and scholastic guidance from volunteers and program professionals.

Leadership Program: 1-1 tutoring, 1-1 mentoring, job readiness training, career exploration, paid internships, volunteerism, and leadership development

Mentoring Program: 1-1 Mentoring, focused on college access and community development

Community Impact: Results:
Students attend and graduate college: 69% of program alumni are currently enrolled or have completed a four-year college degree, with 10% more in 2-year programs.

“I gained more than I expected when I first joined the program… at the time I had almost given up on my education. City Links opened up a way for me and I was able to see that anything was possible if I kept doing my best and not giving up.”(Program Alumnus)

Students are empowered to succeed in life: When 1 in 4 youth displaying worrisome levels of depression, 88% of our students credited their mentor with significantly increasing their self-confidence, advocacy, and leadership skills, while 87% said they discovered unique skills and talents.

“Working with others would have to be the skill with the greatest impact on my life. I learned how to advocate for myself and others and I have confidence in my decisions.” (Program Alumnus)


Bryanne M
Bryanne M.
Development Director
Ben C
Ben C.
Executive Director
Frankie C
Frankie C.
Marketing and Programs Associate
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