
place Washington, District of Columbia, USA


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Bourne 2 Fly fitness is a cultural health hub with the vision to provide a variety of the very best wellness services to the DC area. Our innovation is best exemplified through the following:

By establishing an encouraging vibrant fitness community that empowers clients of all backgrounds and fitness levels to achieve their goals. Our service packages and events are tailored to enrich the community. Our location cultivates the careers of other fitness professional and brands in the DC area, by providing a state of the art space open to those that embody the Bourne 2 Fly spirit of community.

What We Do

Bourne 2 Fly fitness center is established to create a vibrant wellness community with in the community. We do this by providing innovative social fitness events, unique class offerings, and personal training. We also partner with local health based non-profits, food producers, and other fitness professionals. Bourne 2 Fly Fitness center's focus is the urban professional family, who has a very active life and has very little time to spend on fitness. We create programs and an environment that encourages millennials to live a healthier lifestyle. Bourne 2 Fly will also be a fitness incubator in which we will allow, exclusively selected fitness professionals to grow their business as a contracted member.
We provide and distribute fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables within the community once a month with our grant funds from MAFRAC. In addition to the grocery bags of fresh produce, we provide wellness bags into the community to cover basic needs: toilet paper, soap, clorox or lysol wipes, detergents, and other oral hygiene products.


Leila B
Leila B.
Chief Operating Officer
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