Bay Area Gardner Scholarship

place San Carlos, California, USA


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Catalino Tapia Scholarship Foundation's (CTSF) mission is to provide scholarships, workshops, and mentoring programs to first-generation, low-income, and BIPOC students who are facing significant barriers to actualizing their college goals. CTSF's purpose is to promote educational attainment, intercultural engagement, vibrant scholarship, and dynamic community partnerships that benefit low-income people of color and achieve greater racial and economic justice in society.

What We Do

CTSF offers scholarships, interactive workshops, and mentorship programs to low-income, first-generation, and students of color within Alameda, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties.


Catalino Tapia S
Catalino Tapia S.
Volunteer manager
Alexandra C.
Board Member
Marinez R.
Board Member
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