Baraga-Houghton-Keweenaw Child Development

place Houghton, Michigan, USA


Saved on 4 projects and calls

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BHK is dedicated to the highest quality learning experience where children, families, and staff grow and thrive.

Vision Statement:
A healthy community where all families reach their full potential.

What We Do

At BHK, we believe...
Early learning is critical to success;
Children learn best through play, exploration and nurturing relationships;
We build community by investing in the whole child and supporting families to reach their full potential.

BHK provides multiple collaborative and outcome-based early childhood programs (Early Head Start, Head Start, state preschool), comprehensive family services and support, and out-of-school time enrichment and educational support for students K-5.


Cheryl M.
Executive Director
Caroline P.
Employee Relations Specialist
Rachelle M.
Finance Director
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