Banana Kelly Community Improvement Association, Inc.

place Bronx, New York, USA


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Banana Kelly Community Improvement Association, Inc. is a non profit community development corporation located in the South Bronx. Our mission is to contribute to a revitalized, safe and economically vibrant South Bronx through the development and management of affordable housing and the provision of targeted human services. Annually, we provide direct services to approximately 5,000 residents and support services to the community at large. We empower residents through supportive services and vocational, educational, and cultural programs that assist in the retention of affordable housing accommodations and foster self-sufficiency and collective capacity through self-help, mutual aid and cooperation.

What We Do

Banana Kelly Community Improvement Association, Inc. is a non profit community development corporation located in the South Bronx. Annually, we provide direct services to approximately 5,000 residents and support services to the community at large. We empower residents through supportive services and vocational, educational, and cultural programs that assist in the retention of affordable housing accommodations and foster self-sufficiency and collective capacity through self-help, mutual aid and cooperation. Historically, our primary catchment area has been the Hunts Point/Longwood neighborhood (Bronx Community District 2), but we have had and continue to have substantial work throughout Community Districts 1 through 4 (Mott Haven, West Concourse, and Morrisania) and recently branched into upper Manhattan and the lower East Side. Since our inception in 1977 we have renovated and preserved over 2,400 units of housing, some 1,240 of which are still under our administration. But we have not focused solely on housing. Over the past 38 years we have weatherized over 8,000 housing units; established programs to assist small businesses; operated construction training programs for youth; developed the first urban dormitory for homeless high school students, operate ESL programs and much more. We are engaged in advocating on behalf of our South Bronx residents who live in some of the country's poorest census tracks.


Brian S
Brian S.
Development Manager
Hope B.
Chief Operating Officer
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