Arts Horizons

place Englewood, New Jersey, USA


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Arts Horizons' mission is to enhance the lives of people of all ages and abilities by creating equitable opportunities to engage in the arts.

What We Do

For over 40 years, Arts Horizons has impacted the lives of more than 9 million children and adults through the power of the arts. We are committed to making the performing, visual, literary and media arts and artistic expression equitable and accessible to diverse people of all ages and abilities. We believe that the arts are fundamental to a child's education, stimulating learning, enriching the teaching process and providing lifelong learning.

Our exceptional programs are customized to meet the unique needs and goals of your population and site. We provide:

Engaging residency programs conducted by professional teaching artists

Interactive live performances

Participatory arts workshops for seniors that promote well-being

Adaptive programs for populations with special needs and children in hospitals

Professional development for teachers and staff that builds skills in and through the arts


Kiran R
Kiran R.
Program Coordinator
Dena I
Dena I.
Director of NYC Residencies and Special Education
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