Alamos ICT Solutions

place Kilifi, Kenya


Saved on 28 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Alamos ICT Solutions strives to provide economic solutions to youth and women living in the rural areas.

What We Do

Being a solution vendor, we continuously research new simpler alternatives towards solving various social challenges for the poor and marginalized communities. We treat each solution as a separate project thus Alamos is a project based organization. We are currently working on a mega project; The Super Alliance for Sustainable Africa-SASA which is a digital Multi-sided platform for brainstorming, planning and managing community development projects and business ventures for the African Continent. The platform also offers a marketplace for struggling entrepreneurs, SMEs and the marginalized African communities with the vision to spark seamless trade activities locally, regionally and globally so as to generate income to community members, attain food security and eradicate poverty.


Clifton D
Clifton D.
Minister for Streamlining Political Systems
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