Website Content Plan

Help Backbone Campaign get organized for their website development project by identifying what types of information and images they need, and creating a plan to pull it all together.
Backbone Campaign
Vashon, WA, USA
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Backbone Campaign
Vashon, WA, USA


Live Projects


Matched Projects

Posted April 23rd

Project details

What we need
  • A document outlining each page and section of the website, with descriptions of written and visual content for each
  • An assessment of the written content, specifically indicating where written content is final, draft (needs editing), or needs to be written from scratch
  • An assessment of the visual content, specifically indicating which visual assets are ready and which need to be created or sourced
  • Advice on how to collect content from other places (e.g., marketing materials, grant proposals, event photos, etc.) and edit it for the website
  • Note: This project is for content planning only. For additional support, see the Website Creation: Build a Brand New Site bundle
Additional details

A project of ours, Solutionary Rail, has its own website that needs a re-org. It started as an emphasis on a book we wrote, but has since evolved into a campaign for rail in the public interest. Our projects are regional and national in scope. We use NationBuilder for our website. At this point we are looking for design and content and structure advice.

What we have in place
  • We currently have a staff person who is eager and grateful to work with you, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have lots of content, and the ability to provide any other information you need.
How this will help
This project will save us $1,636 , allowing us to build out our team so we can adequately respond with urgency to the issues of climate, worker justice, EJ solidarity, public safety, and rail electrification.

Our organization is investing most of our time and resources into this project. This is a timely project that can help with the climate emergency, as well as transportation and mobility justice, public safety, jobs, supply chain and many other issues facing our society.

Project plan

Prep: Introduction & Kick-Off
  • Volunteer Manager explains website goals and primary audience
  • Volunteer Manager shares examples of other websites they like and sends any existing content and visual assets to Volunteer
  • Volunteer asks questions to get a full understanding of website content needs
  • Volunteer creates rough outline of website pages and content sections that content will be needed for
  • Both parties review our pro-tips for Organizations and Volunteers to ensure the project is set up for success
Milestone 1: Review Draft Plan
  • Volunteer provides draft of the website content plan, including a description of the type of written and visual content needed for each page or section on the site
  • Volunteer makes suggestions as to which existing content from other materials (grant proposals, fliers, etc.) can be used for each section
  • Volunteer and Volunteer Manager discuss plan and identify the status of the written and visual content (i.e., which elements are final, which are in draft form and need editing, and which do not exist yet and need to be written or sourced)
  • Up to 2 rounds of feedback
Milestone 2: Review Final Plan
  • Volunteer and Volunteer Manager meet to review the content plan to make sure that all required content has been identified and the flow of information on the website will be clear and compelling
  • (Optional): The Volunteer may offer to proofread and/or edit the draft written content, and/or may offer to help the Volunteer Manager source images and other visual assets for the website.
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About the org

Backbone Campaign
Posted by
Amy M.

Deputy Director

Our mission

Backbone Campaign amplifies the aspirations of "We the People" with creative strategies and artful activism to manifest a world where life, community, nature, and our obligations to future generations are honored as sacred.

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