Project Management Plan

Help Fundacion Paraguaya create a detailed project management plan that is shareable with key stakeholders and will enable strong project execution.
Fundacion Paraguaya
Asuncion, Paraguay
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Fundacion Paraguaya
Asuncion, Paraguay


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Matched Projects

Posted April 18th

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Project details

What we need
  • A project management plan that contains a project overview, objectives, scope, key deliverables, management process, team roles and assignments, constraints, assumptions, timeline/deadlines, and costs
Language proficiency requirements

English and Spanish proficiency is required. You will not be able to apply if you do not meet this requirement. Learn more about language proficiency requirements.

Additional details

Estoy trabajando con desarrollo de software y otros proyectos tecnologicos y necesito ayuda en construir metas, metricas y planes de manejos de cada proyecto y tambien como presentar estos resultados.

What we have in place
  • We currently have descriptive roadmap and explanation of what the project is, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have availabity to meet and work together, and the ability to provide any other information you need.
How this will help
This project will save us $4,760 , allowing us to invertir en el desarrollo de software que estamos desarrollando para los proyecto de impacto mundial de pobreza.

nos ayudaria para poder poder medir mejor el impacto de nuestro proyecto o la calidad del mismo , tambien establecer KPI's de performance para cada desarrollo y colaboradores relacionados a cada proyecto.

Project plan

Prep: Distribution of Prep Materials
  • Volunteer Manager shares all available materials with Professional, including project overview, objectives, scope, key deliverables, management process, team roles and assignments, constraints, assumptions, timeline/deadlines, and costs
  • Volunteer Manager shares existing project management plans, branding guidelines, and style preferences (if any)
Milestone 1: Brainstorming
  • Professional reviews gathered prep materials
  • Professional connects with the Volunteer Manager for a brainstorming/overview session on the project goals and processes
  • Volunteer Manager and Professional agree on best approach and structure of the project management plan
Milestone 2: Project Management Plan Outline
  • Professional creates an outline of the project management plan and shares it with the Volunteer Manager
  • Volunteer Manager provides feedback to the Professional
  • Professional receives additional feedback from other team members (if necessary)
Milestone 3: First Draft & Feedback
  • Professional creates first draft of project management plan and a project organizational chart
  • Volunteer Manager reviews first draft and provides up to two rounds of feedback
Milestone 4: Final Project Management Plan
  • Professional provides Volunteer Manager with final project management plan and shares how to update project plan
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About the org

Fundacion Paraguaya
Our mission

Our Mission:

To develop and implement practical, innovative and sustainable solutions, which eliminate poverty and create decent living conditions for every family.

Our Vision:

A world without poverty where we all want to live.

What we do

Fundacion Paraguaya is a self-sufficient, non-profit social enterprise, which since its foundation in 1985 has spearheaded microfinance and entrepreneurship in Paraguay.

Our goal is to eliminate multidimensional poverty and create decent living conditions for families through four inter-related strategies:

1) A microcredit program;
2) An entrepreneurial education program for children and youth;
3) A financially self-sustainable farming high-schools program;
4) Poverty Stoplight, an innovative framework for activating the potential of individuals, families, and communities to tackle poverty.

The goal of eliminating multidimensional poverty is woven into every activity we do, whether it's microfinance to alleviate income poverty, entrepreneurship training to teach children and youth how to avoid poverty traps, or financially self-sustainable education that breaks down cost barriers for students to stay in school.

To do this, we have developed the Poverty Stoplight, a framework that allows our clients and their families to self-diagnose their situation and develop their own poverty-elimination strategies, based on their motivation and skills.

This Poverty Stoplight has been implemented in 29 countries through our different partners. It is used in various settings, including governments, NGOs, and private businesses. We help organizations from all over the world to adopt the Poverty Stoplight and empower their employees, clients or beneficiaries to overcome poverty.

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