The Kings Academy

place Dallas, Texas, USA


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The King's Academy partners with families in South Dallas to provide children an exemplary Kingdom education by investing in the whole child: academically, spiritually, and emotionally.
In order to make The King's Academy accessible to inner-city families, 95% of our operating support comes from the generosity of individuals and organizations.
The King's Academy is currently located in Cornerstone Baptist Church in the Fair Park area of South Dallas. Cornerstone Baptist Church, Bonton Farms and BridgeBuilders are strategic partners with the school providing a gateway to building relationships and sustainability in the South Dallas community.

What We Do

Our instructional program is designed to help each learner reach his full academic potential. Our daily impact is evident in the following areas:

1. Spiritually: Missions/service emphasis, Honorable character program, Christian character emphasis
2. Academically: Demonstrates academic growth and achievement on standardized achievement assessments, digital technology initiatives, rigorous instructional program, tutoring, differentiated instruction, and a comprehensive fine arts program.
3. Emotionally: Social/Emotional emphasis and Group/Individual counseling

Classroom instruction is consistent with the expected foundational student outcomes:
1. The Christian liberal arts environment nurtures the mind to become eager to learn, think and analyze. Our goal is to break the cycle of poverty by providing a rigorous, individualized academic program combined with an effective spiritual and character development plan.
2. Rigor, high expectations, and accountability complement the entire learning environment as students grow accustomed to striving for excellence. Problem-solving, thinking, critical analysis and synthesis strengthen the mind and become natural thought processes.


Rebecca H
Rebecca H.
Director of Development
Kristin B.
Volunteer manager
Chloe W.
Intern for Development
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