Ocean Connectors
Saved on 10 projects and calls
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The Ocean Connectors mission is to educate, inspire, and connect youth in underserved Pacific coastal communities through the study of migratory marine life.Our vision is to cultivate a future generation of passionate, globally-aware, and empowered coastal residents who take active steps to enjoy and protect ocean health. We accomplish this by providing environmental education programs for students in the U.S. and Mexico as well as public coastal Eco Tours in San Diego, California.
What We Do
Each year we engage thousands of students in marine science, experiential learning, and ocean conservation. We are currently targeting public schools in National City, California, U.S. and Nayarit, Mexico. Migratory marine animals pass through California's coastal waters en route to nesting, feeding, and breeding grounds in Mexico. We work with a community of nonprofit partners, volunteers, and teachers in both areas to accomplish our goals and engage as many children as possible in diverse, hands-on learning opportunities in coastal environments.Ocean Connectors is a fiscal sponsorship project of The Ocean Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.