
place Richmond, Virginia, USA


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To improve the health and wellbeing of childbearing families through fitness, education, social support, and community engagement.

Our key focus areas are:

Human Milk Feeding Support and Advocacy

Perinatal Health Ecosystems Cultivation

Improving Access to Perinatal Health Resources.

What We Do

We serve as a hub organization that connects pregnant and postpartum people to the resources they need to help them thrive, and work with other local organizations to promote policy, infrastructure, and environmental changes to create a Breastfeeding Family Friendly Community as outlined by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action. We also provide training in critical topics for perinatal health care and social service providers.

We are currently piloting a regional Birth and Early Parenting Resource Directory: a web-based directory of local pregnancy, birth, and early parenting resources informed by the needs of birthing people, new parents, and their providers. The platform will include a searchable, filterable database of support services offered by providers across our region. By identifying, verifying, and cataloguing local resources, this project will serve as a central gateway to facilitate access to community resources for both childbearing families and providers.

In addition, by quantifying and mapping local resources, the directory will serve to identify gaps in existing resources and provide a foundation for future initiatives to address these gaps. Content provided by local experts will include factors that contribute to maternal/infant health such as racial equity, evidenced-based maternity care practices, social support, reproductive mental health, and breastfeeding, thus reinforcing the site as a go-to place for reliable, trustworthy information and resources.


Leslie L
Leslie L.
Executive Director
Shakeya L
Shakeya L.
Social Media Manager/Certified Lactation Counselor
Diane C.
Development Associate
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