Jews of the Melbourne CBD

place Melbourne, Australia


Saved on 1 project or call

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Are you a Jewish CBD professional or business owner? Do you work, study or live in the Melbourne CBD? JBD is especially for you. We support, engage and foster your Jewish identity. We serve up a slice of spirituality to our members almost every day. Invigorate your workday with JBD. Let's socialise, learn and collaborate together.

What We Do

Learn about Judaism, Jewish festivals, and discuss Jewish Law etc. Enjoy our "Nourish Your Spirit" lunch and learn lecture sessions. Other services include: Mincha | Weekly shiur | Whiskey and kugel | Special shiurim | Shiur-CPD combo | Special speakers and events | Jewish holiday events | Weekly newsletters and much more.


David W
David W.
Volunteer manager
Bailey W.
Volunteer manager
Kim A.
Volunteer manager
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