Dare to Innovate

place Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
language daretoinnovate.com


Saved on 12 projects and calls

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The mission of Dare to Innovate is to create a community of socially-minded individuals and entrepreneurs that fosters the exchange of ideas, knowledge and resources, catalyzing and promoting the social entrepreneurship movement in West Africa.

What We Do

Dare to Innovate empowers young West Africans to fight pressing social problems with market-based solutions using creativity and innovation. Through a network of interconnected initiatives and a human-focused, context-specific curriculum, we create systemic solutions that catalyze youth to design and jump-start their own social enterprises, becoming actions in their economies while combating pressing social issues.


Emma S
Emma S.
Director of Communications
Dave E
Dave E.
Social Entrepreneur
Zach B
Zach B.
Chief Program Officer
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