Creative Healing Space, Inc
Saved on 25 projects and calls
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Creative Healing Space, Incorporated was founded in 2019 to create an intentional safe space that utilizes art as a form of healing and community building.We aim to serve students, women, families, immigrants, and youth in southwest Minnesota. Our programming echoes the themes of addressing and bringing awareness to mental health, community, and creative arts. Our work is community led and community centered.
What We Do
In 2019, our founder, Sureeporn Sompamitwong, brought this space to life with poetry nights, painting events, talent shows, and storytelling series. She curated a safe space for youth and Black and Brown community members, so they could gather and heal together through different artistic forms of expression. Creative Healing Space has since continued to build on the momentum we gained from community support, becoming a permanent resource in our community.We continue to envision a space that provides workshops, events, and community groups for Black and Brown community members, LGBTQIA folks, and immigrant community members in Worthington and the surrounding area.
Over the course of a year, Creative Healing Space has provided a variety of different art programming for students, families, and young professionals in the Worthington community. We've hosted a range of art-related events, including open mic nights as well as sculpting and painting events, and we've recently hired an art therapist to lead our art therapy sessions.
In Worthington, Minnesota and many rural communities, there is a lack of investment in safe spaces and community-led organizations dedicated to equity and inclusivity. Creative Healing Space strives to invest in its rural communities. We are the only nonprofit founded and led by women of color in Worthington. We pride ourselves in having a diverse and inclusive team, Board of Directors, and following.