B'nai B'rith (Australia New Zealand)

place Caulfield South VIC 3162, Australia
language http://bnaibrith.org.au


Saved on 6 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


B'nai B'rith as a worldwide entity is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people around the globe. We are a national and global leader in advancing human rights; Israel advocacy; and advocacy on vital issues concerning seniors and their families; diversity education; improving communities and helping communities in crisis. Since 1843, B'nai B'rith has played a vital role around the world. Making the world a safer, more tolerant and better place is the mission that still drives our organization.

What We Do

Community Programs

Courage to Care Vic: We believe that ordinary people have the power to make a positive difference to the lives of others by being Upstanders.
Our Upstander Programs educate participants on the dangers of racism, prejudice, discrimination and bullying and offer practical tools to help empower participants to take positive action - in the schoolyard, workplaces, and in our communities. Our Upstander Programs are delivered by our team of skilled and dedicated volunteers and feature inspiring testimonies from Holocaust Survivor Speakers.


Vivienne R.
Volunteer manager
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