Young Photographers Alliance

place Pavilion, New York, USA
language www.youngphotographersalliance.o…


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Young Photographers Alliance inspires, educates, and empowers the next generation of photographers from around the world.

What We Do

The YPA Mentoring Program is unique in that it is a team mentoring program, pairing groups of 2-4 students with one or two well known industry professionals.
The program gives students the opportunity to work with successful photographers to fine-tune their craft, create images for their portfolios, develop business and marketing skills and explore markets for their work. At the same time, the program demonstrates the power of photography to build community, national and international awareness and support for an important environmental or social issue.

YPA also provides scholarships that allow young people from economically disadvantaged backgrounds to realize their artistic dreams and give back to their communities. To foster social and environmental responsibility in the photographers of tomorrow, scholarship recipients are selected not only for their ability and their need, but also for their demonstrated commitment to giving back to the larger community through their work.


Deborah F.
Volunteer manager
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