Year Up

place Boston, Massachusetts, USA


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Our mission is to close the Opportunity Divide by providing urban young adults with the skills, experience, and support that will empower them to reach their potential through professional careers and higher education.

What We Do

We are a one-year, intensive training program that provides urban young adults, 18-24, with a unique combination of technical and professional skills, college credits, an educational stipend and corporate internship.

Our success is our graduates -- enabling them to move on to full-time employment and higher education. Year Up is about providing opportunities for urban young adults to demonstrate their true potential. We have achieved excellent results to date:

- 100% placement of qualified students into internships
- 95% of interns meet or exceed partner expectations
- 84% of graduates employed or in college full time within four months of graduation
- $15/hr average wage at placement

Year Up currently serves more than 1,000 students each year at sites in Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Providence, Puget Sound, New York City, San Francisco Bay Area and National Capital Region.

Our Boston employer partners currently include State Street Corporation, Fidelity Investments, Google, Eaton Vance, Bank of America, Harvard University, Partners Healthcare, Wellington Management, Children's Hospital, Wilmer Hale, Biogen, Cubist Pharmaceuticals, and others.


Elaine C
Elaine C.
Senior Director, Operations and Strategy
Daisy M.
Volunteer manager
Aliki I.
Events Manager
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