Unstoppable Foundation

place Agoura Hills, California, USA
language www.UnstoppableFoundation.org


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WHO WE ARE. The Unstoppable Foundation is a nonprofit organization committed to bringing education and sustainability to people in developing nations.

OUR MISSION. To ensure that every child has access to the lifelong gift of an education thereby building a thriving, just and sustainable world.

OUR GOAL. To lift 100,000 children and their families out of extreme poverty through education and sustainable community development by year-end 2014.

What We Do

HOW WE WORK. We inspire and empower individuals and groups to give and raise money to fund projects consistent with our mission. We then utilize in-country partners with proven track records to implement the projects. We leverage individual donations by “pooling” them to focus on key outreach projects that produce far greater impact than individual gifts.


Cynthia K.
Chief Humanitarian Officer
Connie V.
Board Member
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