
place CAULFIELD EAST, Australia


Saved on 2 projects and calls

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The shtiebel, this home of meaningful, accessible, authentic Judaism in Melbourne, where we celebrate traditions - your way!

We are an inclusive, innovative and welcoming community committed to providing the experiences and opportunities needed to foster meaningful Jewish practices and building a positive Jewish identity in our rapidly changing world.

What We Do

We help people "do Jewish" and "be Jewish" in their own way and in their own time.

While we place no boundaries or barriers on Jewish expression, living and ritual, we provide a supportive and encouraging community where people can explore their identities, beliefs and practices without judgement or coercion.

Put simply, we are investing in the Jewish future by helping people connect with Judaism in inclusive, innovative and engaging ways.


Gersh L
Gersh L.
Rabbi & Civil Celebrant
Tammy C.
Volunteer manager
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