Boston Harbor Island Alliance

place Boston, Massachusetts, USA


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Boston Harbor Island Alliance promotes the use, enjoyment, and awareness of the Boston Harbor Islands national park area by creating vibrant public spaces, facilities, and programming on the islands, raising and managing the public and private resources necessary to do so.

What We Do

Boston Harbor Island Alliance is a unique non-profit. We began in 1995 as a rallying cry for extending environmental protections for the Boston Harbor Islands. Consequently, in 1996, the legislation that created the Boston Harbor Islands national park area specifically named Boston Harbor Island Alliance (BHIA) the Park’s business agent, and established BHIA as a partner in entrepreneurial development and activation of this new national park.

In this era of strained government funding, we play a vital role in providing an enriched visitor experience. As a non-profit, we raise funds from corporations, foundations and individuals; what makes us special is our nimble, effective execution of community programs and architectural, engineering and construction projects.


Susan A.
Marketing Manager
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