Visual Arts Center of New Jersey

place Summit, New Jersey, USA


Saved on 11 projects and calls

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To create an inclusive and welcoming community where lives are transformed and enriched through the shared experience of art.


The Visual Arts Center of New Jersey nurtures the capacity for personal expression, expands the creative experience, and fosters stronger communities by empowering people to see, make, and learn about art. Through exhibition, studio school, and community programs, the Art Center engenders connection, curiosity, and creative risk-taking among its constituents.

What We Do

At the Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, we believe in the power of art to inspire, amaze, and enrich. We are dedicated exclusively to viewing, making, and learning about contemporary art.


Melanie C
Melanie C.
Executive Director
Cassandra D.
Director of Studio School
Susan Y
Susan Y.
Director of Development and Communications
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