Virginia Foundation For Independent Colleges
Richmond, Virginia, USA
Saved on 3 projects and calls
This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.
The mission of the Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges is to advance the distinctive values and strengths of our sixteen independent Virginia member colleges and universities. We do this by securing financial support, increasing visibility, facilitating innovative and collaborative programs, and supporting initiatives which ensure that this personalized educational experience remains an affordable choice for tomorrow's citizen-leaders.Bridgewater College
Emory & Henry College
Hampden-Sydney College
Hollins University
Mary Baldwin University
Marymount University
Randolph College
Randolph-Macon College
Roanoke College
Shenandoah University
Sweet Briar College
University of Lynchburg
University of Richmond
Virginia Union University
Virginia Wesleyan University
Washington and Lee University