
place Washington, District of Columbia, USA


Saved on 2 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Transformer is an artist-centered visual arts non-profit based in Washington, DC. Our mission is to connect, elevate, and serve a diversity of emerging artists and arts leaders. We develop innovative, multi-faceted exhibition and program platforms, both independently and through global partnerships, to present artists' evolving ideas and work, advance new and best visual arts practices, and engage audiences with emerging contemporary art.

What We Do

Transformer has significantly contributed to the growing cultural fabric of DC and the greater evolving cultural landscape. Working in collaboration with artists, cultural and academic institutions, DC's diplomatic communities, and a broad range of other local, national and international partners, Transformer's continued goal is to further connect & promote new generations of emerging visual artists and to grow contemporary arts audiences through meaningful programs that support artistic experimentation, build community, and advance artists in their careers.

We create and cultivate innovative platforms - exhibitions, panels, artist residencies, peer mentorship programs, international cultural exchanges, artistic workshops, temporal projects, podcasts, and more - through comprehensive community and institutional partnerships that propel the work and ideas of a diversity of emerging artists & arts leaders. Transformer seeks to continually foster cultural dialogue, and advance new and best visual arts practices.


Victoria R
Victoria R.
Founder; Executive & Artistic Director
Victoria R.
Executive & Artistic Director
Hanna T.
Volunteer manager
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