Together We Bake

place Alexandria, Virginia, USA


Saved on 22 projects and calls

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Together We Bake's mission is to provide a comprehensive workforce training and personal development program to help women facing barriers to employment gain self-confidence, transferable workforce skills, and invaluable hands-on experience which will allow them to find sustainable employment and move toward self-sufficiency.

What We Do

Together We Bake is a low barrier entry, gender focused workforce training and personal development program. TWB's innovative job training program revolves around a small baking business in which Team Members develop the skills and confidence to gain and sustain employment. Team Members master skills in commercial food production, food safety and business administration. The program also covers soft skill development through personal empowerment and life skills groups.

TWB serves low-income women facing barriers to employment including homelessness, involvement with the criminal justice system, recent immigration to the country, domestic violence and/or mental health and/or substance abuse issues. TWB serves low-income women in need in the Washington, DC metro area.

TWB also provides post program support to TWB alumni through outreach efforts. TWB holds bi-monthly alumni gatherings to maintain personal connections and provide continued support from the TWB family.


Stephanie W
Stephanie W.
Co-Founder/Executive Director
Lucy v
Lucy v.
Director of Development
Tricia S.
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