The Sanneh Foundation
Saved on 34 projects and calls
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The Sanneh Foundation, a 501(c)3 youth development organization, provides life skills programs for at-risk children using soccer as the catalyst to empower kids, improve lives and unite communities.What We Do
The Sanneh Foundation is growing and because of the growth, we are in need of more volunteers to help with our events and programs. We have three main programs- Dreamline Program (academic and behavioral improvement), Haitian Initiative, and Free Sanneh Soccer Camps.- We empower kids by providing leadership-skill development and mentoring, along with access to a safe and healthy environment to learn and play.
- We improve lives by supporting and promoting educational attainment through in-school and after-school programming, tutoring and college preparatory training.
- We unite communities by advancing diversity, promoting community service, and fighting racism through individual training and institutional change.