The Morpho Institute

place Kansas City, Missouri, USA


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The Morpho Institute supports the key role of K-12 education in realizing the global goal of environmental conservation and sustainability. To achieve this goal, The Morpho Institute provides professional development programs and curriculum resources which support local to global environmental stewardship in K-12 instruction.

What We Do

In collaboration with US and international partners, The Morpho Institute provides US educators the opportunity to experience the Amazon rainforest as a compelling context for developing a global perspective on biological and cultural resources, participating in conservation, exploring sustainability, and inspiring environmental stewardship. Our field workshops and resources apply key elements of inquiry, STEM, and placed-based learning to assist educators in making these critical local to global connections in their classrooms, instruction, and curricula.


Christa D
Christa D.
Program Director / Treasurer
Nancy T
Nancy T.
Curriculum and Grant Specialist
Kelly K
Kelly K.
Board President, Faculty, Evaluator
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