The Last Patrol

place Grand Prairie, Texas, USA


Saved on 2 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


The Last Patrol is a 501c3 Nonprofit, was founded in 2017 to provide food, clothing, and basic living necessities to at-risk veterans, seniors and youth; to reduce food insecurity for those underserved in the community; serving the needs of our community by developing projects and services to strengthen and enhance the lives of others; providing volunteer resources for community activities, education, and disaster recovery; providing humanitarian relief to those in need; providing at-risk youth with volunteer activities and extracurricular activities that develop civic responsibility, good character, sportsmanship, artistic appreciation and encourage a focus on education, self-improvement and empowerment.


Susan R.
Volunteer manager
Rosa R
Rosa R.
The pixel