The Inspired Community Project, Inc.

place Bronx, New York, USA


Saved on 45 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


The Inspired Community Project, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit research organization serving New York City's families of children with special needs. Our mission is to provide early intervention services to children with disabilities, transition support for their families and specialized career training and placement for those living and working in the community we serve. By ensuring our research is
vast, our employment is family-centered, our vendors are local, and our dedication is always to the community around us; everyone leaves us inspired and empowered.

What We Do

Our applied research will help bring best practices and equity to education across NYC.

Our center-based program will provide Early Intervention services to children with special needs in historically underserved and systemically disenfranchised neighborhoods.

Our family support programs will empower our families to advocate for their children and navigate the quagmire that is special education services in New York City.

Our Family-Centered Employment policies will ensure that our staff feel supported and appreciated not just by words but by policy and action.

Our training curriculum, certification support, and career placement will enrich the community with more job opportunities in a field that will not only serve their soul but their career aspirations as well.


Jill M
Jill M.
Founding CEO
Kristynna S.
Board Member
Susan M.
Volunteer manager
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