TCG Groceries Inc.
Saved on 5 projects and calls
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At TCG, we believe that everyone should have access to the ingredients to live better, healthier lives. As we reinvent the corner store, our purpose is to make eating well easier.What We Do
n a country where 40% of food is wasted, in Philadelphia alone 250,000+ residents are considered food insecure with 33% of the population receiving food stamps.Federal policy surrounding food stamps means low income individuals receiving SNAP can use their benefits to purchase skittles and soda, but cannot use them for a hot, healthy meal. TCG, The Community Grocer is rooted in this restriction. An innovative nonprofit reinventing the corner store, TCG ensures their neighbors have access to the ingredients they need to live stronger, healthier lives by creating a nonprofit community run SNAP eligible retailer, specializing in an all day menu of meal kits. Customers can buy the meal kits using food stamps, cash, or credit at the retailer and trade in these raw, fresh ingredients for a hot prepared version in a separately run and operated nonprofit community kitchen, free of charge. This model uniquely allows food insecure residents to use their food stamps for the empowering and healthy meal solutions they are looking for, bypassing rules that don't allow students and seniors to use their benefits for scrambled eggs, but do allow them to purchase hot pockets and soda. As a 501c3 organization, TCG is reinvesting in their community every step of the way.