Superior Connections Recovery Community Organization

place Marquette, Michigan, USA


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Superior Connections Recovery Community Organization exists to assure that all individuals in recovery, including those who are homeless or near homeless, have access to supportive services that address social determinants of health while honoring all pathways to recovery in order to promote self-actualization in an inclusive and supportive community.

What We Do

Our objective through our services is to create a Recovery-Oriented System of Care in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This involves pulling together multiple pieces to ensure that, no matter where a person is at in their Recovery journey, support is available.

Our hypothesis is that when we provide this consistent support, the people who need it most don't fall through the cracks. And when they don't fall through the cracks, they make more forward progress over time

We provide Peer Recovery Coaching, Community Health Work, Workforce Development, Recovery Housing, Transitional Housing, and shelter for people experiencing homelessness.


Ryan R.
Volunteer manager
Emily B
Emily B.
RCO Coordinator
Travis C.
Volunteer manager
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