St. Peter's Episcopal Church

place Medford, New Jersey, USA


Saved on 3 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


St. Peter's parish is a growing, vibrant Christian community. Its members are serious about their faith, seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and dedicated to sharing God's Word. We have high ambitions for St. Peter's outreach to the community. Our members value being fed spiritually at the Eucharist and are gladdened by the opportunity to come to the altar for prayers of healing. We value the friendliness and mutual support of each other. We value the opportunities for education for adults and children on Sunday mornings, at other times during the week.


Michelle S
Michelle S.
Junior Warden
Valerie B
Valerie B.
The Rev. Canon
The pixel