SF Urban Film Fest
Saved on 3 projects and calls
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SF Urban Film Fest gathers a diverse, engaged audience and uses the power of storytelling to spark discussion and civic engagement around urban issues. We ask what it means to live together in the city and make urban planning more equitable and inclusive.What We Do
-- Storytelling Workshops- As a professional development course for planners, to teach how to incorporate storytelling as an urban planning tool.
- As a community engagement exercise for city agencies and community based organizations to develop impactful narratives that support a project, program, or policy.
-- Curated Screenings - pair urban issue related films and expert panels (consisting of public officials, community leaders, academics, and filmmakers) to reinvigorate public space and create a forum for public discourse.
-- Film Production - to produce original films that create a shared understanding of the urban context in support of community planning efforts.