Philadelphia Chapter SPEBSQSA

place Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


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"Our mission is to champion the transformative power of a cappella harmony and foster an inclusive environment for musical excellence and community engagement. Our vision, as Philadelphia's premier a cappella chorus, is to be a high-quality collegial group of singers who come together to unite, inspire, and elevate our community through the timeless art of unaccompanied vocal harmony."

What We Do

The chorus sings a wide variety of music styles including barbershop, choral, pop, and beyond in the lower-voice -- 'TTBB' -- range.

We produce two of our own shows each year, compete in mid-Atlantic contests, and perform at other venues around the city and region e.g. Mummer's Museum, charity and sports events, as guests on other group's programs, etc.


John H
John H.
President (interim)
William T.
James L.
Volunteer manager
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