Open Buffalo

place Buffalo, New York, USA


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Our mission is to advance racial, economic, and ecological justice. We do so through skill building, network connecting, and activating leadership opportunities. Our goal is for all communities in Western New York to thrive free from discrimination and poverty.

What We Do

At Open Buffalo, we believe our role is to create an empowered democratic society by training individuals in how to identify problems and create solutions in public policy and public systems. We accomplish this through two categories of programming: Leadership Development and Advocacy & Organizing.

Our goal is to ensure that individuals who share our vision and values have the necessary skills, networks, and capacities to become leaders and create lasting change in their communities.

Our programs serve those directly impacted by systemic issues, including but not limited to, communities of color, immigrants and refugees, formerly incarcerated, LGBTQI individuals, differently-abled, low income residents, and senior populations.


Todd G.
Director of Development and Communications
Max A
Max A.
Deputy Director
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