Nonprofit Organization for Philanthropic Initiatives (NOPI)
Saved on 52 projects and calls
This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.
To accelerate the sustainability, impact, and success of charitable programs erasing systemic inequities in their communities and beyond.What We Do
We are a nonprofit incubator led by women and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Our goal is to provide comprehensive support and accelerate the impact of informal charitable projects, pending nonprofits, and established nonprofit organizations in need. Through our wrap-around services, we strive to empower organizations of all sizes to make a positive difference in their communities and beyond.Our services aim to enhance the nonprofit sector's capacity to address social inequities in key areas such as climate change, education, mental health, healthcare, housing, and employment.
By providing support to organizations working in these critical fields, we aim to foster positive change and help build a more just and equitable society.