Night Ministry

place Chicago, Illinois, USA


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The Night Ministry is a Chicago-based organization that works to provide housing, health care, and human connection to members of our community struggling with poverty or homelessness.

With an open heart and an open mind, we accept people as they are and work to address their immediate physical, emotional, and social needs while affirming their sense of humanity.

What We Do

Every day we offer a lifeline to forgotten members of our community through:

Housing: Safe, supportive shelter and living environments for young people who face multiple, complex challenges.

Healthcare: Free, accessible treatment brought to individuals and families in their neighborhoods.

Human Connection: Compassionate, consistent relationships that transform lives.

We serve everyone without concern for race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity.


Heather N.
Senior Director, Found & Corp Philanthropy
Gail B.
Manager Volunteer Relations
David W.
Director of Health Outreach
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