National Voices for Equality Education and Enlightenment

place Davie, Florida, USA


Saved on 12 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


To prevent bullying, suicide, and violence among youth, families, and communities through direct service, mentoring, and prevention education.

Our vision for the future is to live in a world where youth are resilient, socially responsible leaders who advance human rights and strengthen communities.

What We Do

NVEEE's work addresses the root causes of suicidality, bullying, and violence among young people. Our leadership and education programs are rooted in national best practices driven by the CDC. Our curriculum also rests upon an equity-driven social justice framework from decades of experience working with and supporting youth in our communities.


Jowharah S
Jowharah S.
Executive Director
Maggie C.
CEE Fellow
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