National Alliance on Mental Illness San Antonio

place San Antonio, Texas, USA


Saved on 9 projects and calls

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The National Alliance on Mental Illness is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization. NAMI San Antonio works to stop stigma and provide hope through education, support and advocacy.

What We Do

NAMI San Antonio provides free, peer and caregiver led classes and informal support groups for adults struggling with a mental health condition and their loved ones. Presentations are offered to faith groups, social services/providers, businesses, students and law enforcement. Programming is led by a person with "lived experience" - a peer or a caregiver who is living well, is trained to lead their own class or group or to speak in the community.


Cynthia V
Cynthia V.
Owner & Consultant
Emma A.
Cohort Development Coordinator
Kimberly P.
Volunteer manager
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