Motor City Street Dance Academy

place Detroit, Michigan, USA


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MCSDA will work to enhance the lives of Detroiters through hip-hop, physical activity, and healthy living. Our purpose is grounded to uplift the disenfranchised communities in Detroit, much like the way the pioneers of hip-hop did decades ago. We will work actively to mentor the youth and provide a safe space for them to express themselves.

MCSDA exists to give back to the community by developing skills of those we collaborate with to revitalize the city through hip-hop.

What We Do

Motor City Street Dance Academy was created as a way to provide quality arts programming to youth in and around the city of Detroit. MCSDA was started in 2016 as a form of resistance to the constant erasure and near disappearance of Detroit's rich hip-hip culture.
Mav-One founded MCSDA to be a hub for street dance culture and community building by using hip hop as a catalyst for positive youth programming. We offer art, dance, and music classes through the lens of hip hop; Break dancing, popping, aerosol art and DJing/Beat making, along with yoga, fitness classes, and anime/comic design. We host free monthly events for our youth along with competitions, performances, and battles.


Benito V
Benito V.
Executive Director
Amelia D.
Matt V.
Satellite Program Coordinator | Beatmaking Teacher
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