
place Houston, Texas, USA
language http://www.MiCreate.org


Saved on 28 projects and calls

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MiCreate's mission is to connect entrepreneurial survivors of human trafficking and other human rights violations with high quality legal services in the entertainment and business fields, financial literacy and business resources, and mentorship in a variety of industries.

MiCreate aims to protect the stories of survivors, especially when survivors have made the bold move to use their stories towards advocacy work. MiCreate's mission is to help and support these entrepreneurial survivors so that they can thrive as creatives and artists while effectively growing their advocacy efforts and business endeavors.

What We Do

We advocate for individuals who have experienced human rights violations against themselves and their creations. We focus on protecting you and your work while empowering and helping you to own your creativity. We are a "safe house" for the stories of artists, performers, inventors, and creatives.

We specialize in helping artists, creatives, inventors, and performers who have been victims of human trafficking. MiCreate believes that you should be the owner of the work and art you create.


Davina U
Davina U.
Executive Director + Founder
Claire S.
Marketing Consultant
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