Menzies Philanthropic Foundation

place Little Elm, Texas, USA


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At Menzies Mission, we create and implement regenerative systems to unlock the inherent human potential within each individual we serve. Our dedicated efforts are directed towards impoverished and disadvantaged families, as well as orphans in Belize.
Our objective is to facilitate their journey towards self-sufficiency and self-fulfillment, equipping them to provide for their families and prevent the cycle of orphanhood that is rampant in Belize and around the globe.
We accomplish this by implementing regenerative systems and providing mentorship, education, training, and empowerment, and by extending love, grace, and compassion. Through these means, we empower these amazing souls to uncover, cultivate, and live up to their fullest potential.

What We Do

We firmly believe that every child deserves to grow up in a safe, stable, and permanent home with their family. However, millions of children are still living in orphanages across the globe, with over 350 of them in Belize alone.
This unacceptable situation needs to change, and it needs to change now. We are determined to make a difference by creating regenerative holistic systems that aim to reunite orphaned children with their families through education, empowerment, and support.
By collaborating with passionate individuals and agencies worldwide, we can end the need for orphanages and children's homes in our lifetime, breaking the cycle of orphanhood once and for all. Menzies Philanthropic Foundation in creating financial regeneration and Social Impact Organizations entities like My Source Network,, is implementing regenerative systems to support our mission financially and utilizing the skills of healing practitioners in our global healing community network to support our initiative.


Sonnie Dean M
Sonnie Dean M.
Founder & CEO
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